Hey guys! I promise I am editing away on Book 2, but in the meantime, I am super excited to share with you my husband's new book: The Book of Enoch MSV.

Kip has been working on this version of the Book of Enoch for the last 7 years! Here is a little bit about it:
The Book of Enoch MSV
The Modern Standard Version is an easy-to-read and accessible introduction to the Book of Enoch. This Bible-based version is an excellent way to study and learn these ancient concepts.
640 Footnotes cross-referencing the Holy Bible
Parallel passages to the New Testament
Commentary on Enoch's importance in biblical study
The MSV is the complete work of Enoch
About the Book
The authoritative Ethiopic translation of R. H. Charles is combined in the MSV with the translations of Richard Laurence, George H. Schodde, and August Dillmann to make the text easier to understand. All four translations and their notes were diligently compared when updating the text.
He also wrote a Free Informational Guide - The Origin of Demons PDF
Why does the Bible have so much to say about demons? What is God trying to tell us? This free, 15 page informational guide is a wealth of biblical knowledge on this unusual topic.
More information can be found at www.enochmsv.com