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Basic Instructions on using your workbook.

The CWFWSM Writing Accountability Workbook is available now for FREE PDF download or purchase via Amazon. It has 12 months for you to track your progress and an opportunity to ask yourself what successes you have and note what struggles keep coming up.

Note: I made the 12-month accountability book pretty simple. The point is not for you to "follow the rules" with it but to decide the best way to utilize the tool. When you are using this accountability book, that is what I want you to focus on. Make this book work for you how you need it to. 

Each month in the book consists of four pages. 

  • Page 1 is the "Monthly Word Count." Use this page to track the overall work you put in each day on your project. Everyone will be different on this page. Be creative and make it work for your needs.

  • Page 2 is the "Creative Writing Focus." This page helps you write down your goals so you can see them. You can put in your tasks twice a month (correlating with our meetings) on the project you are trying to accomplish. There is also an overall goal for the month section.

  • Pages 3 and 4 are "The Last Two Weeks" specific self-evaluation questions. The purpose of these pages is to help you see what may be going on while writing or in life that is holding you back. Self-reflection can enable us to see and unlock the hidden causes of our slowdowns or mental walls. Most of us don't fail at completing things because the thing itself is too hard. Most fail because of the things in our lives that we are not dealing with that we use as excuses and distractions. The Bible says, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:5. Ultimately, that is the purpose of the accountability book: to be obedient and complete the call on our lives.


Use the workbook to keep moving, share your progress, and get the help you need.

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